One of the challenges we face as users of subminiature cameras is the need to "to it yourself".
It can sometimes be difficult to find local commercial enterprises that will work with the submini enthusiast.
It is too easy to draw the conclusion that you are on your own. First, there are many places to help. The
first place to check is the SPONSORS section of the SUBCLUB. These
businesses specialize in submini areas.
If you are lucky, you use a camera for which you can still get film and processing. But many of us
are not so fortunate. If you are unlucky, or if you want to "do-it-yourself" you are are the right
place. The Darkroom is the place to learn about processing those tiny submini images or improving your
current technique.
- Films -- For lists of films currently available for submini cameras, go to
The Camera Shop
- Processing -- For details on getting submini film processed, go to
The Camera Shop
- Equipment -- For info on purchasing darkroom equipment and supplies, go to
The Camera Shop
The Basics -- Doing your own darkroom work
Safety First -- How safe is your darkroom?
Soup -- Submini developing tips, formulas and techniques
Save -- Cutting chemical costs
The Splitter -- Slitting film to make film for subminis
Movie Film -- Tips for processing movie film
Film scratches -- Dealing with scratches on the film
Slide shows -- Tips for working with slide film
Make it BIG -- Enlarging tips and techniques
Enlargers -- Information about submini enlargers
Enlarger lenses -- Information about submini enlarging lenses
"ENLA" units -- Details about various ENLA units
Looking for submini negative carriers (Minox, 16mm, HIT, 110, Kiev/Vega, half-frame, etc.) for
your enlarger (Beseler, Devere, Durst, Omega, Saunders, etc.), but your enlarger company never made the format
that you need -- or they are impossible to find, or they simply cost too much? Look no further than BitByBit. And if what you need is not listed, just ask them -- special orders
are their special-T. They even carry submini enlarger lensboards --
and lots more!

In need of other submini darkroom gear, such as film reels? Click this image:

If you have any ideas, suggestions or comments about these pages, please contact the Sub Club at the FRONT
To return to the main index for the Sub Club click here.
COPYRIGHT @ 1995-2024 by Joe McGloin. All Rights Reserved.