The Library is the place where you can learn about subminiature photography and explore its many aspects.
It has both a rich history and includes a broad spectrum of cameras. Here, you can explore its many
aspects, find references, web links, and much more. Happy hunting!
The Question -- What's subminiature photography all about?
The Doubt -- You can't get decent pictures from those "toy" cameras
The Formats -- A visual comparison of the subminiature formats
The Encyclopedia -- A brief look at the history of subminiature cameras
The Terminology
-- Some basic terms regarding photography
The Dictionary -- A few useful terms particular to subminiature cameras
The Collector -- Collecting subminiature cameras
The User -- Buying a submini to take pictures
The Answer -- What is your submini camera worth?
The Stacks -- A list of books on subminiature cameras and techniques
The Magazine Rack -- A list of submini-related articles published over the years
The Minox Memo -- Here are 4 volumes comprising the
history of the original Minox Memo, and 8 individual issues of the revived Memo.
The Subminiature Times -- A nearly complete listing of their publications in chronological
order from 1989 to 1996 in PDF format.
Owner's and User's Manuals -- Here's a large collection of instructions
for many photographic products -- not just subminis and not just cameras either!
The Basement -- Finding out-of-print books and old articles
The Warehouse -- Tips on ordering equipment through the mail
World's Record -- Subminis from the record books
The Top 10 -- A list of the best lenses on subminiature cameras
Movers & Shakers -- Subminiature cameras that changed photography
The Hall of Fame -- Individuals who made submini camera history
Speed Demons -- Get there the fastest with the mostest
The Attic -- Search our extensive database of submini
The Links -- A long list of On-Line Subminiature-related resources
If you have any ideas, suggestions or comments about these pages, please contact the Sub Club at the FRONT
To return to the main index for the Sub Club click here.
COPYRIGHT @ 1995-2024 by Joe McGloin. All Rights Reserved.