Welcome to the Sub Club. We hope you enjoy your exploration into the
fascinating world of subminiature cameras. Unlike most sites on the
Web (filled with "smoke and mirrors" that take hours to download, graphic-links
upon graphic-links leading nowhere, advertisements galore that lead you in
circles, etc.) the Sub Club is content-oriented. To top it all off,
access to the Sub Club is completely free, so explore away! There really
IS such a thing as a free lunch.
The Subclub is an electronic network of subminiature camera photographers
and enthusiasts. It was put on-line in 1995 and is the result of the
efforts of numerous shutterbugs from around the world. The art and
information on these pages is the combined efforts of many people working
together. As a result, authorship credit is not given to any of the
material on these pages. Most of the pages on this site are a collaboration
of several people, constantly being added to and corrected over time.
Consequently, it is impractical to assign credit to specific individuals.
The information on this website comes from an idiosyncratic amalgamation
of numerous sources, such as books,
articles, and product literature, as well
as personal experience, correspondence, and opinion. Nothing on this
website is copied directly or indirectly from these copyrighted materials,
nor it is merely reworded or plagiarized.
The purpose of the Sub Club is to share information about this
photographic format. For the purposes of this site, a subminiature camera
is arbitrarily defined as any still camera that exclusively uses a single
film format smaller than 16.7mm x 30.2mm (the size of the APS format). At
this time, this definition excludes stereo cameras (even if the film format
is smaller that APS), cameras with multiple formats (such as the Konica
Autoreflex which shoots full-frame and half-frame images), small full-frame
35mm cameras (such as the Olympus XA and Rollei 35 series), cameras that
can take still and moving pictures (even though they use 16mm or 8mm film),
all of the APS format cameras, and other hybrids.
The SUBCLUB does NOT offer any other services than what is listed on these
pages. It does NOT offer any type of camera appraisal service. It
does not sell cameras or supplies -- new or used.
Free speech on the web is especially important to
photographers. As artists, censorship limits
our ability to fully explore our creative potential and share it with others.
Individually our power is limited, but together we can prevent proposed
legislation that would restrict our right to display our work. Click on the
blue ribbon icon for more information.
Here's a graph showing how the SUBCLUB
has been growing over time.
Although all of the information on the SUBCLUB has been provided by
volunteers and is offered to the public for free, it takes cold, hard
cash to put the SUBCLUB on the web. Space on the internet is not free.
You can help support this coalition depending on whether you are a
potential commercial sponsor or a regular individual viewer. As an
individual, we encourage you to visit our
SPONSORS page to find out more about
the submini services that they offer. As an business, we encourage
page to find out more about placing an ad for your services.
Here are a few testimonials about the SUBCLUB (and submini cameras):
"The SubClub site is absolutely first rate. I can't think of another site
that is so complete and easy to use. It is obvious that a LOT of work went
into it. Whoever is responsible has my thanks. Keep up the good work! Best
regards" -- Jerry
"At one time I was very active in photography and did my own processing;
I even won several regional art awards for some of my photographic prints.
Extra money was made on the weekends shooting weddings, parties, etc. during
my high school and early college years. Even though I still own a dozen or
so cameras (from TLRs to subs to a
digital camera
[REVIEWS]), a million other commitments and distractions had really caused
my interest to fade way into the background. Lo and behold, the SubClub ignited
some kind of spark again! With my Minolta 16II and my Minox C, I plan to
be busy shootin' up a storm. Thanks again!" -- Bryan
"The (SubClub's email) list constantly delights me in all the ways that others
disappoint me so often. The collegial spirit nested with a large dose of
fraternalism, and topped with an unusual willingness to stay on topic makes
it a tasty sundae, indeed. The very epitome of what dedicated lists are all
about. This should be required reading for all before they subscribe
to other dedicated lists. Thanks again!" -- Roger
"The SubClub is an amusing, lively, informative Internet site" -- Popular
"A thank-you to all who have contributed to the SubClub website. I've only
explored a fraction of it so far and have been really impressed by the amount
of useful information it contains. Discovering the SubClub has re-awakened
my interest in submini cameras. Currently I have 2 Minoltas (MG & MG-S),
a Mikroma II and a couple of Coronet Midgets. I plan to start using them
again when I have finished making a darkroom. Best wishes" -- Andrew
"I just wanted to thank you for the excellent site on subminiature photography.
I hadn't planned on buying such a camera, but a Minox EC may now prove
irresistable." -- Karl
"I just discovered the SubClub a few months ago, and joined the (email) list
two or three weeks ago. What a great resource! Thank you and everyone else
here who contributes so much. Regards!" -- Fred
"Thanks for having so much info on the Minox Subs. I am in the middle
of purchasing a couple (I've wanted since I was a kid) and your page has
everything I need. Thanks Millions" -- J.S.
"I found the SubClub and what was a habit became an addiction. Best
to all" -- Mike
"Had I known that I could get images of this quality from a camera as easy
to carry as my pocket knife (and smaller) I would have parked my 35mm a long
time ago. Regards" -- Charlie
"It is not often that I am moved to write about a web site, but the SubClub
is absolutely FANTASTIC!!! I had a minor interest in Minox Cameras, and wanted
to find some information about the different models.... what a FEAST of
information!!! Now, not only do I know more about these little gems of
Latvian/German engineering than the CIA, but I am determined to move down
(in size that is) to own one. I haven't been this enthused since I got my
first 35 mm SLR. I feel like a kid again!!! Keep up the WONDERFUL job
you are doing !!!" -- JBL
"I have spent the past hour or so going through the Sub Club website, and
I am compelled to applaud your efforts. This is the best and most informative
photography related website I have ever run across. Keep up the good work.
Sincerely" -- J. S.
"I really want to thank you about your web site because it is the most complete
I ever met! I am a young French street photographer who discovered
the power of the minox photography two months ago! With the lot of
information you gave me you allowed me to go very fast in my beginnings.
Everything you say is precise and clear even for somebody like me who
speak write and read hardly English! Thanks to you I bought some minox
(B,BL,C,IIIs), a slitter (Ray Pepalis), reels, an enla-unit from Yashica
(21mm atoron very sharp from e-bay) and some empty cassettes. Thank you"
-- Vincent
"The SubClub is a great fountain of information, and a much appreciated service.
I for one had not even thought of using my 16mm Minoltas. Had I not stumbled
upon the SubClub, they definitely would have been relegated to a shelf in
the curio cabinet. Your efforts are much appreciated by myself, and I hope
many others." -- F.S.
"Despite having been in the computer biz for 20 years, it was THIS mailing
list (SubClub's email) that finally convinced me that the Internet wasn't
just a total waste of bandwidth!" -- MSG
If you wish to contact the SUBCLUB directly, please proceed to the
Other on-line SUBCLUBS that we know of: (p.s., these
links are in no way associated with the SUBCLUB, so don't blame us if they
don't work)
COPYRIGHT @ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by
Joe McGloin. All Rights Reserved.