Here is B&W and Color negative film for your HIT-style, 17.5mm cameras. It is just the film, no spool
or paper-backing. This is for your reloading of your spools without buying a slitter. Check the SUBCLUB's
DARKROOM for instructions on reloading these spools yourself.
- Hit film
- Hit (17.5mm) film Aristacolor 100 (10 feet) 17.5mm $ 11.90 A fine-grained color print film for average situations.
Uses standard C-41 developer. Unperforated. No REMJET backing.
- Hit (17.5mm) film Ilford Delta 100 (10 feet) 17.5mm $ 12.80 A fine-grained B&W negative film for average
situations. Uses any standard B&W developer. Unperforated. No REMJET backing.
COPYRIGHT @ 1995-2024 by Joe McGloin. All Rights Reserved.