Superheadz made a bunch of half-frame cameras. They are actually
all the same camera, but they have different names and different exteriors
-- reminiscent in some ways of the Ricoh Auto-Half E half-frame, but less
sophisticated. They all have a simple viewfinder on the top of the
22mm, wide-angle, fixed-focus lens with two aperture settings -- f8.5
& f11 -- and a single shutter speed of 1/100s. That combination
assures that everything will be in focus. It's bright spots are the
built-in hot shoe, a nice, smooth, soft image, and only 3.5"w, 1"d, 3"h in
size -- quite small, and very lightweight. It was obviously designed
for ISO 100 film, but other speeds can, of course, be used -- and with any
simple, hot shoe, auto-exposure flash, this can be easily turned into a very
versatile camera! There are three settings -- dialed in on the top
of the lens. For sunny situations, select the SUN icon -- f11. For
lower light situations, select the CLOUD icon -- f8.5. For indoor situations,
select the FLASH icon -- f8.5 with flash. The usable distance will
depend on the power of the flash, of course.
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