Nichiryo made two cameras based on the Ricoh Auto Half E.  Apparently, these were the only cameras that they "made", but some models have a "flash" shoe on top of the binoculars, and some don't. The camera lacked a PC connection on the camera because the "flash" shoe wasn't intended for a flash -- who needs a flash for a telephoto lens? The shoe is used for the special Nicnon CdS SPOT meter that was made for the camera. Since the modified cameras had only three shutter speeds (see below), the meter only has three speed settings as well:

The spot meter matches the focal length of the binocular lenses of 165mm (250mm equivalent in full-frame). The meter, like the camera, was also later sold by Ricoh.

In addition, a tele-converter was also made which screwed into the taking lens of the binocular. It may have also been later sold by Ricoh.

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