Okako cameras
The Okada company was commonly referred to as "Okako", and both of its 17.5mm cameras carried the Okako label on the faceplate. They were both early post-War 17.5mm cameras, and distinquished not only by the Okako label on the lens, but by the chrome plate behind the shutter release lever -- and the camera name on the top. They also made 16mm and 8mm cameras.
The Kolt is one of the more sought-after Hit-type cameras. First, it is a fairly early Hit-type camera, appearing around 1950. Second, it is one of the better-quality "HIT"-type cameras. It has a fixed-focus, Kolt Anastigmat 25mm f4.5 lens, but it has adjustable f-stops to f11. To top it off, it has adjustable shutter speeds of B, 1/25 - 1/100. The other features are more Hit-ish. The Kolt, along with the Tone, Mycro, Vestkam, Rubina, Myracle, Beauty and Midget, clearly demonstrates that Hit-type cameras were not necessarily designed to be toys. The camera is stamped "KOLT CAMERA" on the top.
Not to be confused with the bakelite MINIX (from the Stan-Test Corp. in the 1960's, that uses 127 film), or the MINI X camera (that doesn't use film at all, from the 2020's), the Okada Minix is the same camera as the Kolt -- but much more difficult to find. The camera is stamped "MINIX CAMERA" on the top.