Photo by Michael S. Goldfarb
Olympus Pen EES-2
Moss Glen Falls, Granville, Vermont (1999)
"This stunning waterfall sits right next to Route 100 - one of the three major north/south roads in the state - with a convenient parking pulloff a hundred yards past and a path leading back to a boardwalk that juts out over the pool at the bottom. Leave it to the folks in Vermont to make their photo ops a total pleasure!
I just got my Pen half-frame camera a few months ago, and I'm absolutely thrilled with it. It's a fabulous instrument and a sexy little thing. This image is from my first roll of color film, and the camera's selenium light meter and semi-automatic iris/shutter performed perfectly, right in keeping with the excellent results I've had previously on several rolls of b/w. The 30mm f/2.8 focusing lens is extremely sharp, and the overall design and build quality are excellent... While it's never going to replace my Minox as my go-everywhere b/w camera, it's certainly going to spend a lot of time in my briefcase or glove compartment loaded with color film!"
Circa 1968 Olympus Pen EES-2 with Royal Gold 200 film, exposure 1/200 with aperture automatically set by built-in meter. Processed and printed to 4x6 by local minilab. Scanned to PCX file at 100dpi, then sharpened slightly and converted to JPEG.
COPYRIGHT @ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Joe McGloin. All Rights Reserved.