The Micro 16 16mm cassettes are not too difficult to reload, but the cassettes cannot be taken apart. The threading the film and cassettes into the camera requires a little patience -- but at least that part takes place with the lights on!
  1. Memorize these instructions since you can't refer to them in the dark; better yet, run through the steps with the lights on with scrap film.
  2. Gather all your items together -- 16mm film, cassettes, scissors, 1/2" black tape, and film template.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly, or use film gloves (obtainable at most camera shops) in order to avoid getting oil or dirt on the film.
  4. With Micro 16 cassettes, you'll notice that there are two identical cassettes, but they will only fit into the camera one way.
  5. Completely check the cassettes for any loose dirt or film scraps.
  6. Turn off the lights.
  7. Cut a 20" length of film, using a template, ruler or whatever you can device. A yardstick with a notch or piece of tape at 20" will work fine. Micro 16 cameras are designed to use perforated film.  When the shutter is cocked by pushing the protruding tab on the outside of the camera, another tab inside the camera uses the film perforations to push the film from one cassette to the other -- and it advances the film counter.  Without perforations, the film cannot advance.  You can use single or double perforated film.
  8. Snip the corners of the film end and slide the tip into one of the cassettes.  If using single perf film, the perforation must be on the top side of the cassette -- next to the camera door.  Press as much film as possible into the cassette, but leave a few inches out as a leader.
  9. Turn on a dim light. 
  10. Slip the leader through the film outlet of the other cassette -- making sure the take-up cassette is facing in the correct direction. 
  11. Then drop the cassettes into the camera and close the door.
  12. Turn on the lights.
  13. If you don't put the film into the camera immediately, mark each cassette in some way so that you know which cassette is the feeder and which is the takeup spool. The two cassettes look identical and without marking them, you have no way of knowing which has the film in it.
  14. There is only one way to correctly place the cassettes in the camera.  Start with the feeder cassette.

This may sound like a lot of work, but once you get used to it, you can reload a cassette quickly.

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